Start your pooch off right with our unique and comprehensive training programs. We provide all the training services necessary for your dog or puppy to become outstanding members of society. A brief list of our training services include but are not limited to the following:
1. Obedience
2. Bathroom etiquette
3. House training
4. Obeyfullness
5. Right from wrong
6. How to walk properly and so much more!
Some useful verbal commands that are taught include:
1. Heel
2. Sit
3. Stay
4. Lie Down
5. Come
6. Ok (Release for play time)
Just to name a few… view training principals
Give us a call today to find out how we can help educate your dog or puppy. It’s only a
phone call and may be just what your pooch is looking for! (646)-775-5352 or click
on dogs below